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Estimating the effect of retailer’s handling practices and socioeconomic disparities on microbial levels at the time of purchase, (2018-07)
Bueno López, Rossy; Gozzi, Marta; McLandsborough, Lynne; Corradini, María
Instituto: Instituto de Tecnología Temas: Alimentos; Análisis de Datos Extensión: 2 p. Area de investigación: IS (Ingeniería de Software) y AN (Análisis de Alimentos) Línea de investigación: TIC (Informática) y ABI (Alimentos, Bioinformática) Responsable del proyecto: Corradini, María Nombre del proyecto: Data Science into Food Science (Ciencia de Datos en Ciencia de Alimentos) Código del proyecto: P17T04 Evento: Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), July 15-18 2018, Chicago, IL, USA.
The objectives of this study were to assess the existence of differential handling practices at retailers within socioeconomically different neighborhoods and to compare the effects of handling practices among neighborhoods based on the probability distribution of the microbial concentration at the time of purchase.