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Browsing Investigación y Extensión by Subject "Fibra Óptica"


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  • Sicre, Enrique; Duchowicz, Ricardo (2014-09)
    Se analizan esquemas de multiplexación e implementación de dispositivos para diversas aplicaciones metrológicas.
  • Giordana, Alejandro; Sicre, Enrique; Duchowicz, Ricardo (2014-07)
    A FBG sensor interrogation method for measuring applications requiring a wide wavelength range and a high rate interrogation is presented. An optical intensity transfer with a cosine-like shape is obtained by a fiber ...
  • Barturen, Mariana; Abadía Calvo, Nicolas; Milano, Julián; Costanzo Caso, Pablo; Plant, David (2018)
    Lately, the integration of bidimensional materials into semiconductor devices has allowed the modification of their effective index by simply applying a modest voltage (between 0 and 2 volts). In this work, we present a ...
  • Bulus-Rossini, Laureano; Costanzo Caso, Pablo; Paulucci, Emanuel; Duchowicz, Ricardo; Sicre, Enrique (2014-08)
    In this paper a novel technique for obtaining the amplitude and phase of optical pulses with time extents as short as tens of ps is presented. The method which is based on the transport-of-intensity equation only requires, ...
  • Sicre, Enrique; Duchowicz, Ricardo (2016)
    In this paper we extend to the time domain a previously developed method to analyze the point spread function of a spatial optical imaging system from the study of the WDF associated with the pupil function. We propose an ...
  • Castro, Carlos; Sicre, Enrique; Duchowicz, Ricardo (2016)
    In previous work, the behavior of a fiber optic laser with passive modulation was analyzed. This system takes into account the resonance effect generated by the eigen-frequencies of a double linear cavity which produces a ...

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