Instituto: Instituto de Tecnología Subject: Fibra Óptica; Dispositivos Fotónicos extension: 2 p. Area de investigación: Informática / Telecomunicaciones / Electrónica Línea de investigación: Aplicaciones Especiales de Fibras Ópticas Responsable del proyecto: Sicre, Eduardo Nombre del proyecto: Análisis y desarrollo de dispositivos fotónicos Código del proyecto: P17T02
Lately, the integration of bidimensional materials into semiconductor devices has allowed the modification of their effective index by simply applying a modest voltage (between 0 and 2 volts). In this work, we present a device composed of two evanescently coupled silicon microring resonators where both rings have a graphene layer on top. This design is aimed to produce frequency combs with transmission characteristics controlled upon voltage application to the graphene layer.