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ListarBiblioteca por tema "Valoración"


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  • Berk, Jonathan; DeMarzo, Peter (2014)
    Part 1: Introduction -- Chapter 1. The Corporation -- Chapter 2. Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis -- Chapter 3. Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price -- Part 2. Time, money, and interest rates -- ...
  • Wahlen, James M.; Baginski, Stephen P.; Bradshaw, Mark T. (2011)
    Chapter 1. Overview of Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation -- Chapter 2. Asset and Liability Valuation and Income Recognition -- Chapter 3. Income Flows versus Cash Flows: Understanding the ...
  • Jorion, Philippe (2003)
    Part I: Quantitative Analysis -- Chapter 1. Bond Fundamentals -- Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Probability -- Chapter 3. Fundamentals of Statistics -- Chapter 4. Monte Carlo Methods -- Part II: Capital Markets -- Chapter 5. ...
  • Corradini, Eugenio F. (2001)
    Presenta nuevos sistemas de tasación y de análisis de las valoraciones rurales. Desarrolla diversos tópicos, entre los que se destacan el alcance de las valoraciones, la pluralidad del valor fundiario y los métodos de ...

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