Wahlen, James M.; Baginski, Stephen P.; Bradshaw, Mark T.
Chapter 1. Overview of Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation -- Chapter 2. Asset and Liability Valuation and Income Recognition -- Chapter 3. Income Flows versus Cash Flows: Understanding the Statement of Cash Flows -- Chapter 4. Profitability Analysis -- Chapter 5. Risk Analysis -- Chapter 6. Financing Activities -- Chapter 7. Investing Activities -- Chapter 8. Operating Activities -- Chapter 9. Accounting Quality -- Chapter 10. Forecasting Financial Statements -- Chapter 11. Risk-Adjusted Expected Rates of Return and the Dividends Valuation Approach -- Chapter 12. Valuation: Cash-Flow-Based Approaches -- Chapter 13. Valuation: Earnings-Based Approaches -- Chapter 14. Valuation: Market-Based Approaches -- Appendix A. Financial Statements and Notes for PepsiCo, Inc. and Subsidiaries -- Appendix B. Managementʼs Discussion and Analysis for PepsiCo, Inc. and Subsidiaries -- Appendix C. Financial Statement Analysis Package (FSAP) -- Appendix D. Financial Statement Ratios: Descriptive Statistics by Industry and by Year