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dc.creator Jay, James
dc.creator Loessner, Martin J.
dc.creator Golden, David A. 2020-04-13T16:41:12Z 2020-04-13T16:41:12Z 2005
dc.description.abstract Part I: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND – 1. History of Microorganisms in Food -- Part II: HABITATS, TAXONOMY, AND GROWTH PARAMETERS – 2. Taxonomy, Role, and Significance of Microorganisms in Foods – 3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters of Foods That Affect Microbial Growth Intrinsic -- Part III: MICROORGANISMS IN FOODS – 4. Fresh Meats and Poultry -- 5. Processed Meats and Seafoods – 6. Vegetable and Fruit Products – 7. Milk, Fermentation, and Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products – 8. Nondairy Fermented Foods and Products – 9. Miscellaneous Food Products -- Part IV: DETERMINING MICROORGANISMS AND/OR THEIR PRODUCTS IN FOODS – 10. Culture, Microscopic, and Sampling Methods -- 11. Chemical, Biological, and Physical Methods – 12. Bioassay and Related Methods -- Part V. FOOD PROTECTION AND SOME PROPERTIES OF PSYCHROTROPHS, THERMOPHILES, AND RADIATION-RESISTANT BACTERIA -- 13—Food Protection with Chemicals, and by Biocontrol – 14. Food Protection with Modified Atmospheres -- 15—Radiation Protection of Foods, and Nature of Microbial Radiation Resistance – 16. Protection of Foods with Low-Temperatures – 17. Food Protection with High Temperatures – 18. Protection of Foods by Drying -- 19. Other Food Protection Methods -- Part VI—INDICATORS OF FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY, PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY CONTROL, AND MICROBIOLOGICAL CRITERIA -- 20—Indicators of Food Microbial Quality and Safety -- 21—The HACCP and FSO Systems for Food Safety -- Part VII: FOODBORNE DISEASES – 22. Introduction to Foodborne Pathogens – 23. Staphylococcal Gastroenteritis – 24. Food Poisoning Caused by Gram-Positive Sporeforming Bacteria -- 25. Foodborne Listeriosis – 26. Foodborne Gastroenteritis Caused by Salmonella and Shigella – 27. Foodborne Gastroenteritis Caused by Escherichia coli – 28. Foodborne Gastroenteritis Caused by Vibrio, Yersinia, and Campylobacter Species – 29. Foodborne Animal Parasites – 30. Mycotoxins -- 31—Viruses and Some Other Proven and Suspected Foodborne Biohazards. es
dc.language.iso es es
dc.publisher Springer Science es
dc.title Modern food microbiology es
uade.subject.descriptor Microbiología es
uade.subject.descriptor Alimentos es
uade.subject.descriptor Microorganismos es
uade.subject.descriptor Procesamiento de Alimentos es
uade.edicion 7a ed. es
uade.identifier.isbn 0387234136 es
academic.materia.codigo 3.2.022 es
academic.materia.nombre Laboratorio de Microbiología de los Alimentos es


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