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  • Barimboim, Diana (2017-01)
    El presente ensayo es producto de las reflexiones realizadas a partir de una investigación descriptiva realizada en el INSOD (UADE) sobre violencia de género femenino a masculino en AMBA. A partir de allí, consideramos ...
  • Fuentes Cuiñas, Alejandra; Arko, Boris Andres (2018-08)
    Given the lack of academic studies specifically related to newspaper reading in both traditional and digital formats, the general objective was to detect the most relevant characteristics of current habits involving news ...
  • Robiolo, Gabriela; Santos, Silvana; Rossi, Bibiana (2014)
    As expert estimation is the estimation strategy most frequently applied to software projects today, it is important to focus the research on effort estimation methods on it. This is the estimation method used in Agile ...

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