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dc.creator Romer, David 2021-03-11T13:52:54Z 2021-03-11T13:52:54Z 2012
dc.description.abstract Chapter 1 The solow growth model -- Chapter 2 Infinite-horizon and overlapping-generations models -- Chapter 3 Endogenous growth -- Chapter 4 Cross-country income differences -- Chapter 5 Real-business-cycle theory -- Chapter 6 Nominal rigidity -- Chapter 7 Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models of fluctuations -- Chapter 8 Consumption -- Chapter 9 Investment -- Chapter 10 Unemployment -- Chapter 11 Inflation and monetary policy -- Chapter 12 Budget deficits and fiscal policy -- Epilogue The financial and macroeconomic crisis of 2008 and beyond. es
dc.language.iso en es
dc.publisher McGraw-Hill es
dc.title Advanced macroeconomics es
uade.subject.descriptor Economía es
uade.subject.descriptor Macroeconomía es
uade.subject.descriptor Crecimiento Económico es
uade.subject.descriptor Modelos Económicos es
uade.subject.descriptor Modelos de Crecimiento es
uade.subject.descriptor Consumo es
uade.subject.descriptor Desarrollo Económico es
uade.edicion 4th ed. es
uade.identifier.isbn 9780073511375 es
academic.materia.codigo 1.4.048 es
academic.materia.nombre Crecimiento y Desarrollo Económico es


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