1. China’s Great Economic Transformation / Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski -- 2. China and Development Economics / Alan Heston and Terry Sicular -- 3. China in Light of the Performance of the Transition Economies / Jan Svejnar -- 4. A Political Economy of China’s Economic Transition / Barry Naughton -- 5. The Demographic Factor in China’s Transition / Wang Feng and Andrew Mason -- 6. The Chinese Labor Market in the Reform Era / Fang Cai, Albert Park, and Yaohui Zhao -- 7. Education in the Reform Era / Emily Hannum, Jere Behrman, Meiyan Wang, and Jihong Liu -- 8. Environmental Resources and Economic Growth / James Roumasset, Kimberly Burnett, and Hua Wang -- 9. Science and Technology in China / Albert G. Z. Hu and Gary H. Jefferson -- 10. The Political Economy of Private Sector Development in China / Stephan Haggard and Yasheng Huang -- 11. The Role of Law in China’s Economic Development / Donald Clarke, Peter Murrell, and Susan Whiting -- 12. China’s Fiscal System: AWork in Progress / Christine P. W. Wong and Richard M. Bird -- 13. Agriculture in China’s Development: Past Disappointments, Recent Successes, and Future Challenges / Jikun Huang, Keijiro Otsuka, and Scott Rozelle -- 14. China’s Financial System: Past, Present, and Future / Franklin Allen, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian -- 15. China’s Industrial Development / Loren Brandt, Thomas G. Rawski, and John Sutton -- 16. China’s Embrace of Globalization / Lee Branstetter and Nicholas R. Lardy -- 17. Growth and Structural Transformation in China / Loren Brandt, Chang-tai Hsieh, and Xiaodong Zhu -- 18. Income Inequality during China’s Economic Transition / Dwayne Benjamin, Loren Brandt, John Giles, and Sangui Wang -- 19. Spatial Dimensions of Chinese Economic Development / Kam Wing Chan, J. Vernon Henderson, and Kai Yuen Tsui -- 20. Forecasting China’s Economic Growth to 2025 / Dwight H. Perkins and Thomas G. Rawski