1 Introduction: Questioning ‘Globalization’ -- PART ONE. THE SHIFTING CONTOURS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY -- 2. Global Shift: Changing Geographies of the Global Economy -- PART TWO. PROCESSES OF GLOBAL SHIFT -- 3. Tangled Webs: Unravelling Complexity in the Global Economy -- 4. Technological Change: ‘Gales of Creative Destruction’ -- 5. Transnational Corporations: The Primary ‘Movers and Shapers’ of the Global Economy -- 6. The State Really Does Matter -- 7. The Uneasy Relationship between TNCs and States: Dynamics of Conflict and Collaboration -- PART THREE. THE PICTURE IN DIFFERENT ECONOMIC SECTORS -- 8. ‘Making Holes in the Ground’: The Extractive Industries -- 9. ‘We Are What We Eat’: The Agro-Food Industries -- 10. ‘Fabric-ating Fashion’: The Clothing Industries -- 11. ‘Wheels of Change’: The Automobile Industry -- 12. ‘Making the World Go Round’: Advanced Business Services – Especially Finance -- 13. ‘Making the Connections, Moving the Goods’: Logistics and Distribution Services -- PART FOUR. WINNING AND LOSING IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY -- 14. ‘Capturing Value’ within Global Production Networks -- 15. ‘Destroying Value’: Environmental Impacts of Global Production Networks -- 16. Winning and Losing: Where You Live Really Matters -- 17. Making the World a Better Place