1. Latin American Foreign Policies between Ideology and Pragmatism: A Framework for Analysis -- 2. Pragmatism, Ideology, and Tradition in Chilean Foreign Policy since 1990 -- 3. Brazilian Foreign Policy: Causal Beliefs in Formulation and Pragmatism in Practice -- 4. Dancing between Superpowers: Ideology, Pragmatism, and Drift in Paraguayan Foreign Policy -- 5. Argentine Foreign Policy under the Kirchners: Ideological, Pragmatic, or Simply Peronist? -- 6. From Obscurity to Center Stage: The Architectonics of Bolivia’s Foreign Policy -- 7. Ideology and Pragmatism in the Foreign Policy of Peru -- 8. The Continuing Pull of the Polar Star: Colombian Foreign Policy in the Post–Cold War Era -- 9. Venezuelan Foreign Policy under Chávez, 1999–2010: The Pragmatic Success of Revolutionary Ideology? -- 10. Defying Expectations: The External Profile and Activism of the Cuban Revolution -- 11. Nicaragua’s Pragmatic Ideologues -- 12. Mexico’s Foreign Policy Under the Partido Acción Nacional: Promoting Democracy, Human Rights, and Interests -- 13. Unity and Diversity in Latin American Visions of Regional Integration.