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dc.creator Hopcroft, John E.
dc.creator Motwani, Rajeev
dc.creator Ullman, Jeffrey D. 2020-05-27T14:50:03Z 2020-05-27T14:50:03Z 2001
dc.description.abstract 1. Automata the methods and the madness -- 2. Finite automata -- 3. Regular expressions and languages -- 4. Properties of regular languages -- 5. Context free grammars and languages -- 6. Pushdown automata -- 7. Properties of context free languages -- 8. Introduction to turing machines -- 9. Undecidability -- 10. Intractable problems -- 11. Additional classes of problems. es
dc.language.iso en es
dc.publisher Addison Wesley es
dc.title Introduction to automata theory languages and computation es
uade.subject.descriptor Computación es
uade.subject.descriptor Automatización es
uade.subject.descriptor Lenguajes de Programación es
uade.subject.descriptor Informática es
uade.edicion 2nd ed. es
uade.identifier.isbn 0201441241 es
academic.materia.codigo 3.4.095 es
academic.materia.nombre Teoría de la Computación es


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